Security Officers Management & Analysis Project

Why to use the Security Officers Best Friend (SOBF) Tool?

The SOBF Management Tool is released under the GPL and can be freely used and copied. Among the reasons why a Security Officer may decide on using the SOBF Tool may be the following:

Freedom to use

There are no closed licences attached to the tool. It can be freely tested and used according the GPL. And much better. You can contribute to the project and everybody else can benefit as well.

Java based

The SOBF Tool is based on Java and therefore can run on any system with a JVM like OS X, Windows, Linux, xBSD.


SOBF Features the Jasper Reports reporting engine which allows the creation of "home made" reports and documents. Like that the documents generated by SOBF can be personalized with a corporations CI.


There is some functionality lacking in the SOBF which would be desperately needed in your office? Or would you like to personalise the appearance of the SOBF tool? The source code to the SOBF can be freely downloaded and enhanced. Many parts of the SOBF tool are based on extensions.

We appreciate any enhancement and hint. There is also the possibility to either file a feature request with the team or pay any developer to code the needed feature into the SOBF. Just feel free to contact us.